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1. Purpose

This policy outlines CALDAC’s commitment to creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment free from sexual harassment, while acknowledging the inherent physical proximity that comes with dance. Sexual harassment of any form will not be tolerated, and appropriate, fair action will be taken in response to all reports.


2. Scope

This policy applies to all participants, employees, contractors, volunteers, performers, instructors, guests, and vendors involved in CALDAC events. It covers behavior that occurs on-site, during official events, off-site activities related to the event, and in any virtual communications associated with CALDAC.


3. Recognition of Dance Proximity

At CALDAC, we understand that social dancing often involves close physical contact and proximity, which may lead to unintentional gestures or actions that could be perceived differently by individuals. Given the nature of our dance community, we recognize that mistakes may occur, and not all instances of physical interaction are intended as harassment.

However, all individuals have the right to feel safe and comfortable. It is essential to maintain respectful boundaries and clear communication during all interactions. While we strive for fairness, we take every report seriously and aim to address each case with care and impartiality, considering all perspectives.


4. Definition of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment includes any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, such as:

  • Unwanted touching, groping, or prolonged physical contact.

  • Sexual comments, jokes, or suggestive gestures.

  • Displaying or sharing explicit images or materials.

  • Making sexual advances or propositions.

  • Repeatedly violating personal boundaries after clear communication of discomfort.


5. Reporting Procedures

If an individual experiences or witnesses sexual harassment, whether intentional or not, they are encouraged to report it immediately. Reports can be made verbally or in writing to:



  •  Latina Safe House: 720-780-8748 x102

  • Anonymous reports may be submitted using this FORM.



CALDAC encourages open dialogue and assures all parties that reports will be handled with confidentiality, respect, and fairness. Retaliation against those who report or participate in an investigation will not be tolerated.


6. Fair Investigation Process

Upon receiving a report, CALDAC will:​

  1. Conduct a thorough and unbiased investigation, considering statements from both the complainant and the alleged perpetrator.

  2. Interview witnesses where applicable and review any available evidence.

  3. Ensure that decisions are made based on all sides of the story, to avoid unjust or one-sided actions.

The goal is to be fair to all involved, while maintaining a safe and respectful environment for everyone.


7. Disciplinary Actions

If sexual harassment is confirmed, CALDAC will take appropriate action based on the severity of the incident. These actions may include:

  • A verbal or written warning.

  • Temporary or permanent removal from the event.

  • Termination of employment, contract, or volunteer role.

  • Banning the individual from future events.

  • Reporting the incident to law enforcement if necessary.

Disciplinary action will be taken only after all sides have been heard and the situation has been fully assessed.


8. Prevention and Education

CALDAC is committed to preventing sexual harassment through:

  • Training participants on respectful interaction and recognizing boundaries, particularly in dance settings.

  • Clear communication of behavioral expectations before and during events.

  • Providing resources on how to handle and report uncomfortable situations.


9. Conclusion

While dancing involves inherent physical proximity, every individual deserves to feel safe and respected. CALDAC is committed to addressing all reports of sexual harassment fairly, with attention to the unique nature of the dance community, and to ensuring that no one is subject to unjust or one-sided decisions.

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